· Help each other to learn and appreciate Chinese language, culture, and good manners.
· Be positive, exercise good judgment, and act fairly and responsibly.
· Show respect and courtesy to teachers and fellow classmates.
· Use school or other people's property with care.
· Do not consume any food or drink in classrooms and hallways. Snacks should be consumed only in designated parents’ room(s).
· Keep away from unauthorized equipment, such as computers.
· Notify teacher prior to leaving the classroom at anytime. Children under 10 have to be accompanied by adults/teacher helpers to the bathroom during class.
· Class observations should be pre-arranged with teachers.
· Be present and on time for class; keep up with homework assignments. If you know in advance that you will be absent, late, or leaving early, please notify the teacher. Attendance is an important component of the School, as is keeping up with the homework, in order to be better-prepared for class. Good attendance and completion of assignments are requirements for continued participation in the Program. Failure either to maintain a good attendance record or to stay current with assignments may, in the discretion of School administration, result in non-renewal of enrollment for the next semester.
· Disruptive behavior. Failure to maintain an orderly and controlled environment in class will inhibit a teacher's ability to teach effectively. Orderly behavior in the hallways and common areas also is required. Do not run and keep quiet in the hallways. We must be mindful that the space we use for the School maintains offices of Columbia University employees who might be present while we are there, and they are entitled to a quiet work environment. Disruptive behavior, either in or out of the classroom, in the discretion of the Administration, may lead to expulsion.