Our Events


Raising Bi(multi)-lingual Children

06/09/2018 - A seminar with Dr. Ya-Ning, Amy, Hsu. She will talk about how to help children foster their bi(multi)-lingual abilities. Her daughter, Ashley Yu, will also share her learning of Mandarin culture from her perspective. 


2017 Halloween

10/28/2017 - Kids showed their Halloween spirit in the classes. 


2018 Chinese New Year Celebration

02/10/2018 - Chinese New Year Celebration. 5 classes perform a Chinese New Year Song, GongXi-GongXi, which is a famous Chinese New Year Song.


2017 Moon Festival Celebration

09/16/2017 - Children, parents and teachers celebrated Moon Festival at our program. Prizes were given to the winners of the class projects.



2017 Winter Party

12/16/2017 - Winter Party. All classes had showcases in the party. De, Zhi ban gave expressions of the projects.  Ti, Qun ban played their shows. Also, Mei ban performed "brown bear, what do you see.